SAAHA  2024

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Kopervik Skole


date:           2017

status:       prequalified assignment

type:           education

client:        Karmøy kommune

coll.:           Filter Arkitekter

The building is formed by a cross, which will provide Karmøy with both protection from the forever present winds, whilst also enabling flexibility with expanding the school in the future.

«The Cross» finds its form through a close relationship with the natural topography and landscape. The outdoor areas are shaped by this relationship, which enables outdoor activity, whilst being sheltered from extreme weather conditions. The forms of the building will also shape the diverse range of spaces necessary for the school and create a flexible and robust layout for users.

Through the combination of natural conditions in the local area, with short-lived carbon neutral construction materials, the school itself can become a learning facility. Both active and passive technological solutions are made visible for the building users to push forward the ability to make it educational.

The project is balanced between effective communication, openness and economy, whilst maintaining enclosed study spaces.